Friday 17 October 2014

Just Cracking The Fingers Here...

It’s been a hell of a year for spiders, hasn’t it? There’ve been some big ones. I mean really big, fuck-off sized buggers, big as your fist with legs thirteen inches long, strolling across your living room floor like they own the place, which as far they’re concerned they do and never you mind whose name’s actually on the paperwork.

I don’t like them. I’ll be upfront about that, I don’t like them and I never have, We’ve come to something of an arrangement lately though, I won’t hit them with a shoe or blitz them with fly killer (which might not work on spiders, and if it does, isn’t it kind of like friendly fire for them given that they’re flykillers themselves?) so long as they keep on walking and get out of my sight pretty sharpish and don’t creep up on me along the back of the sofa or across my feet because if they do that then I’m sorry but the truce is over and I’m bringing out the big guns. Big shoe. Whatever.

I have a friend who loves them. He’ll stand and stare at them for hours, he says they’re lovely delicate things that we should watch and admire. He’ll get right up close to them and study them as if they were kittens or roast beef sandwiches or something that isn’t intrinsically evil, and I’ll see him doing this and I’ll say Steven! Step away from the spider! It is intrinsically evil , it is worse than Crippen and Doctor Doom and Jeremy Kyle all rolled into one! If you do not move away from the spider it will attack you and it will burrow down under your skin and get deep into your inner workings and when it is there it will use you for its own ends, it will wear you like a suit made of meat and bone, it will take you over and join your constituency political party and rise effortlessly up within its ranks until it becomes Prime Minister, and then it will redirect all of the country’s budget into space research and build a rocket to the moon, but it will use that rocket, because it is evil, it will use that rocket to spin an enormous web between here and the moon and it will use that web to catch unwary alien visitors to our planet, and once it has done that it will take over their alien body just like it has yours and it will head out into the solar system and beyond into the galaxy and it WILL NOT STOP until it has enslaved the whole universe and Steven says to me “You’re over-reacting, I’ll put a glass over it and slip a bit of paper underneath and I’ll take it outside and let it go, would that be alright?” and I say ‘Yeah, OK.”

What’s also bad about spider season is that some people, some people with no sense of consideration for others, they’ll have one of these giant bastard spiders in their house and they’ll take a picture of the thing and then they’ll tweet it, and you have no idea this is going to appear in your Twitter feed, you’ll be sitting there thumbing down your timeline or whatever the hell it’s called and suddenly JESUS CHRIST WHAT’S THAT! There should be a rule that says if you’re going to tweet, or Facebook, or Vine or whatever, a picture of your own personal Bloody Big Spider you should send out a spoiler tweet before you do, something like ATTENTION! IN FIVE MINUTES I AM GOING TO TWEET A PICTURE OF A BLOODY BIG SPIDER SO IF YOU DON”T WANT TO SEE IT LOOK AWAY NOW, OR UNFOLLOW ME OR SOMETHING BECAUSE REALLY, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A PERSON WHO TWEETS THIS KIND OF THING?

But that’s a lot more than 140 characters so, y’know, maybe not. 

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